Ration Card List Rajasthan | APL/BPL Ration Card List Online | Rajasthan District Wise List/Details 2021 View Online. APL / BPL Ration Card List | Rajasthan Ration Card List 2021 | Rajasthan Ration Card List
If you have applied for Rajasthan Ration Card and you can check your name Rajasthan Ration Card List 2021-22 I want to see then you will be happy to know that Government of Rajasthan The Food and Civil Supplies Department has passed the Ration Card List 2021-22 on the online portal. If they had applied for their ration card, then those beneficiaries would get the complete information about their ration card on the portal. [यह भी पढ़ें- (रजिस्ट्रेशन) राजस्थान निःशुल्क ट्रेक्टर एवं कृषि यंत्र योजना 2021: ऑनलाइन आवेदन]
Rajasthan List APL/BPL Ration Card 2021-22
Ration card is not only necessary for the citizens of Rajasthan, it is necessary for every citizen of the country. If you have yet Rajasthan Ration Card List 2021-22 If I don’t see your name, then scroll down How to check Rajasthan Ration Card District wise 2021 List? if your Rajasthan Ration Card List Kaise Dekhu? What is the Rajasthan Ration Card List by scrolling down? Get information etc. [यह भी पढ़ें- राजस्थान कर्ज माफी लिस्ट 2021: ऑनलाइन जिलेवार सूची (Kisan Karj Mafi List)]
rajasthan ration card new beneficiary list 2021
The Government of India passes new schemes for the people living below the poverty line, but many poor people could not take advantage of the schemes in time for one reason or the other, resolving which the government of every state has Ration card It has been made necessary, which has now been declared an important document for every citizen by the Government of Rajasthan. rajasthan ration card list district wise Online @food.raj.nic.in. This ration card is given separately to every person on the basis of tehsil and on the basis of ration card type, every person is given different types according to their income. now in india 2 crore Till date, there are ration cards, whose number is increasing day by day, in which 80% are from rural areas and 20% urban Citizens are taking advantage of ration card. But a person can take the benefit of the government scheme only when the names of all the members of his family rajasthan ration card list be in [यह भी पढ़ें- [फ्री स्कूटी] Rajasthan Scooty Vitran Scheme 2021: Application Form, Rajasthan Scooty Vitran]
Rajasthan List APL/BPL Ration Card 2021
The economic system of most of the people of India is not good, along with this unemployment is increasing day by day, seeing all of them, the Food and Logistics Department of the Government of India again supplies ration items like wheat, rice, kerosene etc. to the public at very low rates. Delivery has been started. But a person can take advantage of this scheme of the government only when the name of his and all the members of his family. ration card list be in Rajasthan government Classification in Rajasthan Ration Card District wise 2021 list is done on the basis of income of citizens. In the year 2021, the Government of Rajasthan has passed on the online portal of the Department of Food and Civil Supplies. Rajasthan Ration Card APL, BPL List If I have your name then you can take advantage of the schemes, otherwise it is not there. There are three types of ration cards, in which the special difference is that the type of ration card depends on their income. [यह भी पढ़ें- (Jan Aadhaar) राजस्थान जन आधार कार्ड 2021: ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण, रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रक्रिया]
Purpose of Rajasthan Ration Card List 2021
It is the age of the Internet, the Internet has made most of the work easier for every person, in the same way, the Rajasthan government has provided Internet access to all the citizens of Rajasthan. Rajasthan Ration Card Jilewar List 2021 The task of looking up your name has also become easy. Till now there are 2 crore ration cards in India, whose number is increasing day by day, whose data was becoming difficult to give in writing, due to which the Rajasthan government Rajasthan Ration Card List 2021 passed online. The main objective of which was that the citizens of Rajasthan could easily Your in Rajasthan Ration Card 2021 List Rajasthan Ration Card 2021 Details Can be easily watched on mobile sitting at home or at any public convenience center nearby. Due to which both the time and money of the beneficiaries will not be wasted,Rajsthan ration card list 2021 Every person can easily see the data of himself or his family and can make corrections online in case of mistake. [यह भी पढ़ें- राजस्थान मातृत्व पोषण योजना 2021: ऑनलाइन आवेदन | एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म]
Number of ration cards in the country by latest data
- BPL RATION CARD – 2492859
- OTHER RATION CARD – 17072722
AAwhy, BPL, apl and naughty
There are three types of ration cards, in which the special difference is that the type of ration card depends on their income.
- APL Ration Card Those families of the state who are living below the poverty line, whose total income is less than 2000 rupees, this APL will be given to that family. (APL) Get ration card. By this, ration of up to 15 kg is given to the holder at concessional rates.
- BPL Ration Card –Those families of the state who are living below the poverty line, whose total income is less than 2000 rupees / year, that family will get this BPL Ration card is available, through which ration up to 25 kg is given to the holder at concessional rates.
- AAY) Ration card- The family of the state, which has no means of income, is living below the poverty line, to that family. AAYRation card is available, through this, ration up to 35 kg is given to the holder at concessional rates.
Key Points of Rajasthan Ration Card List
scheme name | Rajasthan Ration Card List |
Department | Food and Civil Supplies Department |
beneficiary | citizens of rajasthan |
list view | Online |
official website | http://food.raj.nic.in/ |
benefits of ration card
- Ration card is an important document for every citizen which is used in driving license, scholarship, voter card, for registering scheme, etc.
- of the schemes run by the government Ration card By reaping the benefits, sugar, rice, kerosene, wheat etc. can be obtained by the government at a very low rate.
- There are three types of ration cards by the government, the types of ration cards depend on the income of the family, they are given to the family according to the total income.
- Ration card is divided into three categories. to whom (BPL), (APL), (AAY) is known by.
- Ration card is also used in document form for applying in government jobs.
Main while filling the application form Document
- applicant’s aadhar card
- pan card
- old electricity bill
- gas connection
- bank account pass book
- Passport size photo
- mobile number
- income certificate
- caste certificate
Download Rajasthan Ration Card List 2021 Application Form Pdf Online.
Those people of the state who are online or sitting at home ration card list If you want to see your name, then you can see it very easily, for that follow the steps given below.

- On the homepage of the website, you will have to click on the option ‘Ration Card’
- After you click District Wise Ration Card Details You have to click on the option.

- After that you have to select your district. After making the selection, the ration card number will have to be filled in Ruler and Urban.
- After this you will get the next page open where you have to click on your block.
- After this, the next page will open where you will have to click on your Panchayat.
- After the Panchayat, you will see the name of the village by the Panchayat, in which you have to click on the name of your village.
- After clicking on the name of the village, a page will appear in front of you, which will have the names of all the ration shops, out of which you will have to select your ration shop shop (FSA LIST).
- After this, there will be an option for the card category, there you will have to select on your card option, the category of which your card will be on that card.
- Similarly, select the card number and card holder number.
- in front of you Rajasthan ration card holder list There you can see your name.